Bakersfield College


Compilations and other documents that pertain to all committees and the college as a whole.

Represents the faculty to the Administration and the Board of Trustees with respect to academic and professional matters (AB 1725) outside the scope of the bargaining unit.

A 2-year effort of the entire campus community to generate awareness of accessibility, create a plan, and implement recommendations from the Accessibility Report for Kern Community College District

This committee provides leadership for the overall direction and support of college accreditation and institutional effectiveness.

Coordinates information and recommends administrative action to the president.

This committee is tasked with creating an administrative structure that promotes the values, mission and strategic focus of the college in the 21st Century.

Coordinates all student learning outcomes assessment processes and reports to Executive Vice Presidents of Academic Affairs and Student Services.

The BC Winter Intersession Task Force is an ad hoc task force of the Academic Senate. The primary purpose of this taskforce is to explore and address BC-specific concerns as well as inform the conversations at the districtwide task force. The districtwide task force will focus on districtwide issues of implementing a winter intersession. 

The Bakersfield College Bookstore Advisory Committee (BAC) is a shared governance committee that supports the college mission, goals and values through a comprehensive evaluation for providing access to instructional materials.

Makes recommendations to the President regarding budget processes and procedures to insure alignment of college-wide planning and budget allocations.

Collects and analyses unique and peer-reviewed information on both individual mental and physical health as well as the health of the built, open space, social and academic environments of Bakersfield College.

Advocate for Bakersfield College’s Career Education (CE) programs using transparent processes to promote development, expansion, and improvement of CE programs on campus.

Gathers input from all constituency groups and makes recommendations to College President, particularly on college goals, strategic planning, budget matters, facilities, planning, accreditation, and other college-wide matters.

Two times a year the collegewide committees will prepare brief reports summarizing their goals, accomplishments, and timeline for implementation for College Council and Academic Senate. The reports show how the committee goals help us to fulfill the college goals. This section of the Committees website will be one place where the documents are kept.

Starting in Summer 2021 and extending over the next 4 years, we will have a new implementation team for competency-based education at BC.

Oversees all curriculum changes, additions and requirements, makes recommendations to President and seeks Board approval.

Coordinates and recommends actions concerning instructional and student services programs and policies to President, Vice Presidents.

Establishes process for setting enrollment goals, defining actions to meet the goals, and monitors progress toward achieving them. Reports to President.

Educates and orients the college on diversity issues. Reports to Affirmative Action Officer.

Determines if faculty applicants’ qualifications are equivalent to the minimum qualifications prescribed in Title 5. Reports to Board of Trustees.

To review and provide recommendations for new and improved facilities and infrastructures, to enhance current and future learning environments as well as a responsibility to maintain, sustain and renew our institution's fiscal, human and environmental resources for all current and future students, community, faculty, and staff. Communicates with College Council, Faculty Chairs, Staff and Students. Reports to the College President and to the Academic Senate.

Coordinates student services and instructional issues and procedures affecting faculty, departments, teaching and learning processes. Advises Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Services, and the Associate Vice President of Student Services.

The Guided Pathways Strategies Team is focused on:

  • Completion Community support, engagement, and coordination
  • Dissemination of information and engagement of faculty and staff campus-wide
  • Support Students through an equity lens
  • Use data to assess effectiveness

Recommends policy, procedure on college information systems and instructional technology to Academic Senate, College Council. ISIT stands for "Information Systems and Instructional Technology"

Coordinates decision making and recommends actions to the President.

Coordinate and support activities to enhance job performance, professional growth, and collegiality among all members of the campus learning community. Advises President.

The Program Review Committee acts as a resource to administrative, instructional & student services programs to develop their assessment plan and program review. Makes recommendations based on program reviews to President, College Council, and Curriculum Committee.

To identify health and safety concerns and issues on campus and address them. Inform the college community of new policies and procedures as they relate to health and safety. To develop and maintain current emergency response plan.

The Scholarship Committee is to oversee the annual scholarships, and to ensure the timely and fair distribution of scholarship funds. The general goal of the committee is to review and select recipients for the following annual awards

BCSGA Senate is the legislative branch of the student government that is vested to help voice the student opinions.

The BCSGA Standing Committee on Academic Affairs is responsible for policies regarding academic reform, College academic policy, evaluation of professorships and courses, calendar issues, and library operations.

The Standing Committee for the Advancement of Bakersfield College shall voice student concerns regarding the Bakersfield College Tuition and Fees and review all matters of student concern external to the college

The Committee on Government Operations shall be responsible for reviewing BCSGA Constitution and the COBRA, creating new initial interview of appointments, and all internal Senate matters.

Department of Finance is to ensure responsible expenditure of SGA funds and to review finance bills, review spending practices, regularly review balance sheets of SGA accounts, inspect budgets and expenses of agencies and departments.

Department on Legislative Affairs is to track local, state, and federal legislation to ensure that students are represented fairly and to advocate on behalf of students to the Faculty Senate, University officials, City and County officials, the KCCD Office of the Chancellor, California State Government, and the California Congressional Delegation.

Department on Student Activities is to inspire and unite the Bakersfield College students through programming derived from traditions, cultural diversity, large-scale entertainment, academia, and athletics.

Department on Student Organizations is to execute the laws and functions related to the affairs of student organizations at BC, while managing the matters and serving as a resource for all BC recognized student organizations.

Elections Commission is to provide for a fair and efficient election for BCSGA. The Elections Commission provides an avenue for motivated BC students to start their understanding of a career in public service. BCSGA Officers are engaged in local as well as national politics and are instilled with a deep sense of leadership and civic responsibility that contributes to the development of engaged citizens.

The Executive Officers of the Bakersfield College Student Government Association shall be charged with implementing all Resolutions and Senate Codes which are passed by the Senate.

The Judicial Review Board works to maintain the integrity and conduct of the Association by evaluating BCSGA Officer absences, and reviewing personal matters.

The Strategic Directions team will evaluate the 2015-2018 work and develop goals and Strategic Directions to shape the work of the College for the next three years.

Fictitious committee for the purpose of training videos. This will be here temporarily.

Upcoming Meetings

There are no upcoming committee meetings for Bakersfield College