
This page from the 2013-14 Academic Year is retained for historical purposes only and is not updated. See the Bakersfield College Accreditation website for current accreditation information.

Bakersfield College has taken steps to ensure that accreditation is embedded within our ongoing processes so that it becomes a natural part of campus culture. One step in this is the creation of the Accreditation Steering Committee, which will “institutionalize the dynamic accreditation process, establish the structure of the Self-Study, and prepare for the on-site visitation of the Accreditation Team in 2012 as well as future accreditation visits.”

Please see current information at the Bakersfield College᾿s public accreditation site.

2012 Accreditation

The Self-Evaluation Committee was formed in Spring 2011 to begin work on the Self-Study document. The Self-Evaluation Committee prepared the Self-Study document using SharePoint (select the link to go to the BC Accreditation SharePoint site---our login is your BC campus network username and your password is your BC campus network password). The Self-Study document was completed in Spring 2012, reviewed by the district office and Board of Trustees in late Spring-Summer 2012, and presented to the public on August 22, 2012.

During the self evaluation process, Bakersfield College identified five areas that we fail to meet the accreditation standards. Actionable Improvement Plans were created for those five areas. See pages 99 and 100 of the Self-Study document for a concise list of the Actionable Improvement Plans and the rest of the Self-Study document for the background information and rationale for those Actionable Improvement Plans. The Actionable Improvement Plans are an integral part of Bakersfield College's three-year strategic plan for 2012-2015.

Our accrediting agency Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) re-affirmed our accreditation in February 2013 but did give eight College Recommendations in order for the College to meet the accreditation standards. The ACCJC team's findings and recommendations with rationale are given in the ACCJC Report on Bakersfield College that is posted on Bakersfield College's accreditation site. The accreditation follow-up report team met in March & April 2013 to finalize the College's accreditation follow-up report that was due to ACCJC in mid-October 2013. The Follow-Up team visit cleared us of ALL recommendations! The Follow Up report and the visiting team's report are posted on the public BC Accreditation Website.

In Spring 2014, work groups were formed to begin work on our mid-term report that is due to ACCJC by Fall 2015. The accreditation mid-term report team is using the BC Accreditation SharePoint site to create the follow-up report and posting various stages of the report draft in the BC accreditation working drafts website (select the MidTerm 2015 button). This website is intended to make the accreditation process more transparent to all of the constituent groups at the college. Once the final drafts of the various standards are finished, the editor will make it sound coherent (speaking as one voice) and beautify it before sending it on to the Board of Trustees for acceptance. After Board of Trustees acceptance, the document is posted on the public BC Accreditation Website and sent off to ACCJC.

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