Committee Chairs Meeting - August 19th, 2015


Two Flex Workshops

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Embedding the Accreditation Standards in Your Committee's Work Plan

09:00 am - 10:15 am
Location: LEV 40
Presenter: Kate Pluta

Audience: Committee/Council chairs, co-chairs, and members

Do you know what areas of the Accreditation Standards align with your committee's charge? The role your committee must play in meeting the accreditation standards may not be stated in the committee charge, but it exists. This workshop will clarify each committee's role in meeting the Accreditation Standards and give suggestions on how to embed the ACCJC Standards in your committee's work plan.

Please let Kate know by email which committee you reprensent.

Learning the Ropes as a Committee Co-Chair

10:30 am - 11:45 am
Location: LEV 40

Audience: Committee/Council co-chairs (administrators/faculty/classified)

  • Reviewing--or creating--a job description--what are you expected to do, how much time should you allot?
  • Reviewing the committee charge--Is it up to date? If not, how do you go about changing it?
  • Running effective meetings: using agendas and minutes.
  • Maintaining committee pages--repositories of evidence are vital for transparency of processes, college communication, and accreditation.
  • Setting up committee work plan--what are your committee goals for 2015-16?
  • Evaluating committee effectiveness mid-year and end of the year using the 2015-2018 College Strategic Directives and Initiatives.